I stopped here. It is not seeing anyone’s worth. If they don’t see you- they don’t see themselves. They don’t value themselves- this whole thing was not that they see your worth, but whether they see theirs. Maybe you are asking too much - so much they are unable to give and they feel they will fail, no matter what they do. They will fail. Because what you are doing is appearing incapable of failure and that scares the hell out of them. So when decide to stop it is about given them an easy way out, something they can manage, something that is not scary - yes your ego might come in and you might tell yourself they will not get better. But they might find something they can manage - something that makes them feel safe. So walk away, if you loved them unconditionally- you showed them they are lovable. That’s a gift their parents were not able to give. Walk away and let them find their joy. Something they can manage. You gave them a gift of love. That should tell you something about you.