Ignorance lacking humility leads to intolerance. You are right we are quick to judge, not only judge but present views that vindicate an other that had somehow caused harm. We want to call them evil - they have caused immense hurt, they must be evil. I feel this becomes a way to avenge the injustice we perceive we were subjected to … and we spread it as we are that expert that helps you understand the other person. I would add if you truly want to understand - read medical journals, research, there is often a group of those who are penalized - listen to what they have to say, listen to how the world appears to them. In the end be kind, be compassionate - when something unkind happens - investigate why? It is more to do with the other - but you might have played a role, it is an opportunity for self reflection. We don’t get better by point fingers but looking at how we can be better and to me better is to be kinder, be more compassionate, more loving, more patient. Sorry for the rant but I feel the same way about all these articles that are making the world less kind and more judgmental.