Love isn’t a drug; it’s the ultimate sobriety—that thought made me smile. But I feel Its power lies in its beautiful irrationality, the very thing that allows it to change the world. Yet, even in its wildest, most illogical, most irrational forms, love holds an underlying rationality. It’s that paradox—the irrationality woven into this —that touches us deeply - it is not logic or reason, it is irrationality that moves us. For love It’s where sacrifice and courage live. Those blessed with love have felt this strange, transformative beauty of love, and I believe all healing paths lead through witnessing such irrationality, not abstractly but directly.
I loved that last part of this piece; it made me smile, and I felt genuinely happy for you - it really did. On a different note, I just finished watching the movie Your Monster. There’s a lot to unpack in that one. — what came after was cutoff — I was too tired — a stream of incoherent thoughts which are all but lost now — like witnessing a stream of clouds escaping from the hot cup of coffee. Maybe rewriting what was there would not be just — it would feel made up — like patching up an original. Sorry.