Ahsan Mir
2 min readDec 13, 2024


On October 8, my initial reaction was one of disbelief and anguish—this is madness, a senseless loss of life. Who does it serve? the Palestinian people, who are desperate and easily manipulated, much like the French Revolution, where the bourgeoisie exploited the peasants to fill the ranks of the revolution. I reached out to my Israeli acquaintances to express solidarity, though no words could truly ease the pain of what must have been felt. There was no doubt in my mind that a response was inevitable, one that was just and righteous in light of the tragedy.

I believe in the universal right to live with dignity and safety—a right that belongs to all, to be treated as human. Jewish people after thousands of years now have a home - it must be accepted - they must feel they are safe in their homeland but War and violience only breeds one thing, more voilence - it would always be more voilence. I reflect on your final words and find myself troubled. This is no longer about ensuring safety and fairness for those who have suffered immeasurably throughout history - it is about politics. I deeply admire the resilience of the Jewish people, their rich traditions, and their ability to endure. Yet, I cannot ignore what is unfolding—the same suffering that was once inflicted upon the Jewish people is now being mirrored in the treatment of the Palestinian people. right down to having ghettos.

I hold Jewish people to a higher standard, as my mother used to say, "They are the favorites of God." But it is time to look beyond October 8 and reckon with all that has happened since. This, too, will become a chapter in Jewish history. To truly honor the legacy of the Holocaust survivors, to respect the grandparents who endured unimaginable horrors, is not to replicate the actions of those who caused their suffering - I am for justice and fairness - righly punish those who have committed crimes and then stop - there is no expectation of forgivenss - but fariness it is a call to rise above and to choose a path that upholds the dignity of all lives. Imagine what such an act would have done for the goodwill of the Jewish people.



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