Well written. As I read it I pondered whether there was something else here. Metaphors and allegories. Pain an antidote to pain. But I read too much into things. I have been told - I imagine things that are not there. Silly me. I am literal and not - a fatal contradiction. Keep writing - tell your story. How you see it, only that perspective matters, keep what was good about the world and if possible discount whatever caused hurt. Focus on the goodness, on hope, whatever reduces the pain. That Weaver fish - there was never an intension to hurt another - just not to get hurt. Classic leave me alone and it is quite happy with other Weaver buddies. It is at home, it would not hurt another Weaver fish, I would assume. Just the intruders and what it considers dangerous- what it fears. To survive is the ultimate goal of all beings till we realize that survival at all costs, costs too much. Weird right.